Re-Mark Request

Student Assignment/Midterm Re-marking Form

Re-Mark Request Form
Department of Computer Science, Brock University

To ease the administration of assignment/test re-marking, the Computer Science Department requires that this Form be used by students. Please attach a word processed document which clearly and logically demonstrates where and when, in your judgement, the initial evaluation is in error. Simply stating dissatisfaction with the mark will result in no change of the mark. This completed form, the word processed document and the work to be re-marked must be stapled together and submitted to the appropriate instructor within the time constraints specified in the course outline, or otherwise. Re-evaluation may not occur if after all other marks are tabulated, the new expected mark has no effect on the students final rounded grade complying "with the 0, 2, 5, 8 marking scheme" (Undergraduate Calendar, Academic Regulations, VIII. Evaluation). Re-evaluation could result in an increase or a decrease in marks, and any other of your course submissions may also be reviewed. Only one re-mark request per piece of work is allowed.    Please note that tests completed in pencil will NOT be re-marked; only addition errors will be corrected.

Examination re-mark annotations must be completed on the examination script in the office—arrange an appointment through the office to review the script.

To be completed by student:

Course: COSC __________   Duration (circle): D1 D2 D3 D4    Year:________

Last date to request re-mark:____________ , or Not Specified by Instructor (Indicate ONE) Piece of work (assign #, midterm, ...):________________________________ Student name (PRINT): ______________________________________________     Student number:__________________________ Reason:

Marks incorrectly summed
Question(s) not marked
Query on marking (must attach a word processed hard copy)
Other. Specify ___________________________
Signature:_________________________________________________________        Date:____________________________
For Departmental use only:
 Date form received:
 Date returned:
 Old mark:
 New mark:
 Name of re-evaluator:
 Signature of re-evaluator: