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What is COSC 1P02?
COSC 1P02 is an introductory course in Computer Science. Computer Science is the study of information and its transformation via algorithms. Typically information is stored on a computer system and is transformed by programs---algorithms written in a programming language. COSC 1P02 introduces the programming language Java and teaches the process of analyzing, designing, testing and debugging programs.
In COSC 1P02 we work with information in a variety of media from text to images to sounds. We write programs to do a wide range of things such as compute student's marks, play games and perform red-eye elimination on digital photos.
Who should take COSC 1P02?
COSC 1P02 is intended for students majoring or co-majoring in Computer Science or a related program such as Computing and Business, Computing and Network Communications or Computing and Solid State Device Technology. COSC 1P02 may be taken as an elective credit by non-majors, however other courses may be more appropriate (see below).
What background do I need for COSC 1P02?
There are no prerequisites for COSC 1P02. The course introduces Computer Science from first principles so previous computer programming experience is not required although it is an asset. While COSC 1P02 is not heavily theoretical in nature, some comfort and confidence in Mathematics is desirable.
I've already studied Computer Programming, should I take COSC 1P02?
If you have studied Computer Programming in High School, College or University and have programmed extensively in a high-level language such as Pascal, Java, C++ or Ada, you may request exemption from COSC 1P02 from the Chair of Computer Science. Exemption simply means that you do not have to complete COSC 1P02 and may take any course for which COSC 1P02 is a prerequisite. However, you must still complete the same number of COSC courses so you will essentially be replacing COSC 1P02 with another course later in your program.
If your programming experience was in a college or university course, it may be possible to receive a transfer credit. If you are granted a transfer credit, it is the same as if you had taken COSC 1P02 at Brock. Inquiries regarding transfer credits should be made through the Office of the Registrar.
If you receive an exemption or transfer credit for COSC 1P02, you might consider taking COSC 1P50 in first term (fall) followed by the usual COSC 1P03 in second term (winter) as this will give you a more balanced schedule.
What other courses should I take along with COSC 1P02?
A student studying Computer Science full-time would normally take COSC 1P03, 1P50, MATH 1P66 and 1P67 in the same year as they take COSC 1P02.
What do I take next?
A student studying Computer Science would take normally take COSC 1P03 after completing COSC 1P02.
COSC 1P02 doesn't sound like what I want, what should I take instead?
If you want to take computing courses but are not planning to major in Computer Science, courses in Applied Computing (APCO) may be a more appropriate choice.